Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rising Prices

This morning I drove through town and noted diesel fuel had gone up 5 cents per gallon overnight to $3.99. Two hours later I drove by again on my way home and it had gone up $4.09. Then another two hours went by and this time it was $4.11. Unleaded holds at $3.28 for now. The rich continue raking in obscene profits while the rest of us continue to suffer in the mess this country has become in the last 7 to 8 years. They say to expect $4.00 or more gas this summer. Yet the oil companies are making all time record profits...what is wrong with this picture?

The weather continues to gyrate wildly. High winds and heavy rain today, snow forecast tomorrow. Are we past the tipping point for climate change already where there is no return? There seem to be endless piles of money for killing people in wars but never money for education or health care in our own country. 47 million people have no insurance and no access to health care (and don't give me the "go to an emergency room" line, no money, no treatment there either, unless you are in immediate danger they don't have to accept people without money and DON'T, I've seen people turned away.) 18,000 people die in our country each year because of inadequate access to health care. Each year that is 6 times the number of people that died in 9/11. Since 2001 then about 126,000 deaths have occurred because of lack of health access...think about it.....

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