Monday, March 24, 2008

Is Spring on the horizon finally?

The long winter we have had just seems to drag on and on. You get a nice day, then its cold again. But at least today they predict highs in the low 50's perhaps so more of the snow will go, at least we hope so! There is so much spring cleanup work to do, plus the eager feeling of wanting to start a garden and just simply have warm weather.

We still have baby rabbits on the front porch so the new layer hen project continues to be delayed, but as soon as it is warm enough for the bunnies to get out to the barn then the chicks can come. We have only a handful of old chickens left after winter so we are eager to get new layers started.

At least the hoses, buckets, etc that were caught in the abrupt arrival of ice shortly after thanksgiving are once again free so we can start taking those up and putting them away again.

More updates on projects as they move along.