Monday, May 5, 2008


I know, kind of a weird name for the post. We have around 10 chickens left about half of them roosters, I didn't think the hens were laying at all. Yesterday I found a cache of 11 eggs hidden in the blue machine shed so I gathered our first fresh eggs in several months. It has been cold enough that they should be ok, but just the same I can do the float test on them. So the hens actually are laying after all. I plan to get new chicks started in a week or two for the next round of laying hens. With groceries going sky high, the eggs have increased value and yes chicken feed is also expensive but we pretty much recycle ALL food scraps from our meals or any food that is past usable goes outside for the chickens, peacocks, etc to pick through so that helps offset any costs of feeding.

We allow our chickens to free range as well so they gobble up bugs of all kinds as well. The chicken house is due for a major clean out, pressure washing so that will be done soon too. Today it is supposed to hit about 76 degrees so that should help a lot with drying with those major clean up projects.

Meanwhile, on to mowing, cleaning up weeds, wood, various trash and odds and ends proceeds. Classic is due to foal within the next couple of weeks so also working to get the barn all ready for that big event as well.

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